DADCAMP International

Serving THOUSANDS of dads and kids around the world!


The evidence is clear – Everything changes when a father is strong. Everything. And everything falls apart when a father is disengaged. Almost every social ill we face has ONE common denominator: a disengaged father. The same is true of our faith. It thrives when fathers lead and it disintegrates when they don’t. Our world should be screaming, ‘Get the men! Get the men! Get the men!’
Enter DADCAMP. It is time to change the narrative. We dream of a world where EVERY family has a great Dad! Our mission is to build stronger fathers who build stronger families across the globe. We believe there is no better way to restore our world back to the way God intended than by reaching and restoring the hearts of men.

Reaching men is hard. But we have discovered an effective way to reach men by leveraging the value of fatherhood. After more than a decade of consecutive growth and opportunities to serve all across the world, we have learned one simple truth: no matter what country, what culture, what tribe, what faith, or socioeconomic level, every father in his heart wants to be a good Dad. So we have taken that core value to reach men by creating epic Father/Child experiences. It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s memorable. It’s life-changing. Bottom line: IT’S WORKING!
DADCAMP has set a goal to reach 1 million men in 25+ countries. We would be honored to partner with you to reach the men and families of your communities. Because when men are strong, families are strong. When families are strong, communities are strong. When communities are strong, nations are strong.

Join the movement!

Everything changes when a father is strong. Nothing has the power to change the world like a strong father. It’s the mission DADCAMP has given it’s life to.

In 2015, DADCAMP launched its first international event in the country of Haiti and it was a HUGE success. In 2016, 2 sites in Haiti were established and we sent a team to Paris, France!. In 2017, DADCAMP served in Honduras, Guatemala, and 3 locations in Haiti. 2018 was another powerful year as DADCAMP went to new locations in Honduras, Guatemala, Ireland and Haiti in October. The movement continues to grow as DADCAMP expands into the Dominican Republic, Uganda, Congo, and Kenya.