Mission: Building stronger fathers who build stronger families.
Vision: We exist to see a world where every family has a great Dad.
Our Core Values
We Reach Men
Everything changes when a father is strong. Experts call it the ‘Father Factor’. Almost every societal ill can be linked to a weak, absent, or disengaged father: divorce, drug/alcohol abuse, crime, poverty, lack of education, STD’s, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, teenage pregnancy, rape, suicide, and much more. In the faith community, studies have proven that when a father fails to lead his home spiritually more than 80% of children from such homes will abandon their faith as adults, but when a father is the spiritual leader of his home, more than 80% of children will retain their faith as adults. The ‘Father Factor’ is having enormous ramifications on our world. But there is good news. When a father is engaged and loves his family, everything changes. The societal ills ripping our culture apart all but go away in families where a father is strong. This is why DADCAMP’s first core value is that We Reach Men because if every Dad fulfilled their role and responsibility as a father, our world would be a different place. And it is for that dream that we have given our lives to.
We Create Life-Changing Experiences
Since 2006, DADCAMP has been creating incredible short-term life changing experiences designed for Dads and their kids. These events are the foundation for how we reach men and are built upon critical benchmarks that we expect every experience to include: excellence, fun, challenging, safe, and intentional. DADCAMP believes it’s our job to create the environment and to let God take it from there and from what we have seen so far….it’s working.
We Are Better Together
Life change happens best in the context of community. We believe that. Too many men are trying to conquer their worlds on their own. Too many men are stumbling. The fact is that we all will stumble and because of that we need each other. Men need other men. Dads need other Dads. We recognize that none of us are perfect but we also recognize that we are not alone. We are in the journey of fatherhood together. We are real. We are humble. So at DADCAMP, we are all about growing together in the context of safe and authentic spaces and the result is a growing army of Dads all over the world who are joining the fight to get stronger together.
We Follow Jesus
DADCAMP is not a church. DADCAMP is for every Dad on planet earth. Dads who would refer to themselves as religious and Dads who are irreligious. But at our core, we believe that the best way to be the strongest Dad we can be is to find and follow Jesus. We don’t push it down your throat. We simply try to live it. One Bible verse sums it up: ‘The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I (Jesus) come to give you life to the full.’ (John 10:10). The world is unraveling before our eyes. Life is being stolen from so many. But following Jesus changes all that - in Him, one finds the adventure, purpose, and fullness of life that He promised. We want that for every man on planet Earth.
At the core of everything we do and who we are is our beliefs. Check them out by clicking HERE