Southern Indiana Update
This year, DADCAMP in Southern Indiana served an incredible 357 dads and their kids across two locations, creating unforgettable memories and life-changing moments. One highlight of the season was a deeply meaningful baptism I was able to experience at Flat Rock YMCA Camp, where a dad and his daughter celebrated an important step of faith together. Hearing the cheers and celebrations of other dads and kids who were witnessing this event gave me a small glimpse of the joy we will someday experience with our Heavenly Father. Moments like this embodied the joy and transformation that DADCAMP seeks to bring to dads across the United States and beyond. With the theme being “Bad Dads of the Bible” this year, many fathers reflected on their own "bad dad" moments and committed to leaving them behind. God moved powerfully, continuing to turn the hearts of fathers toward their children and the hearts of children toward their fathers. None of this would have been possible without the amazing volunteers who dedicated their time and talents to make each weekend impactful. A heartfelt thank-you to everyone who contributed to making this DADCAMP season a special experience in Southern Indiana!
- Eric Wiederhoeft