Volunteer at DADCAMP!
Make a difference in the lives of a father and his child

It takes over 40 volunteers to create an unforgettable DADCAMP weekend experience at our Valley location.
“I started volunteering before I went to my first DADCAMP as a camper.
It really allowed me to appreciate the experience as a dad in a way I don’t think I
would have otherwise. Overall, it made my son and I’s experience so much
Ways To Serve:
- Kitchen Team – Help prep and/or serve meals (Friday night through Sunday morning various times)
- Tech Team – Run audio and multimedia equipment for presentations, video based games, worship, etc. (Friday night through Sunday morning various times)
- Student Breakout Team – You can help with games Friday night, student breakout sessions / devotions on Saturday & Sunday or all 3. To work with the kids, this position will require a standard background check. (Friday night through Sunday morning various times)
- Canoe Team – Help dads and kids get into and out of canoes; drive the shuttles to haul canoes and guests back to the Valley. (Saturday afternoon)
- Bazooka Ball/Axe-Throwing Team – Teach the dads and kids the skills of Bazooka Ball (1st-5th grade) or help with the Axe-Throwing activity (6th-12th grade) (Saturday afternoon)
- Paintball Team – Show dads and kids how to shoot paintball guns at stationary targets. Paintball experience a plus but definitely not required. (Saturday afternoon)
- Check-in Team – Welcome the dads and kids as they arrive for their DADCAMP weekend. Hand out t-shirts and give lodging assignments. (Friday 5-7pm)
- Slip-n-slide Team – Keep the water and soap flowing for an afternoon slip-n-slide fun! (Saturday afternoon)
- Worship Team – Lead the dads and kids during worship time. We keep it simple.
- Friday Night Snack Team – (Friday night) Prep and set out ice cream or nacho bar for dads and kids.
“My wife and I always make a point to volunteer together every year. It’s a way for her to understand what makes the DADCAMP experience so powerful for my relationship with our son.”
“Every year we look so forward to volunteering at camp. It has had just about as much of an impact on our family as going to camp itself. EVERY dad should attend one/volunteer one…trust me you won’t regret it.”
“The positive impact that DADCAMP has had on me & my family has been a
game changer, a new legacy is being written! We serve DADCAMP so other dads
& families can have the same opportunity for life change that we have experienced!”